• Welcome to captionz trove.

    Hi everyone. Happy new year! Welcome to Captionz Trove, a space dedicated to new & educational YouTube videos. Why? Because it's fun.

    But first, have you read this topic: Welcome to pnlpal? This is the one that introduce to you the reason why I built this site, the intention of making it and the rules of posting. I suggest you read it first.

    What is Captionz?

    It’s a website, part of our pnlpal community that let you watch YouTube videos with dual captions, A-B repeat and more. just open Captionz to use it. No need to use a browser extension, or an app. It’s simple and straight-forward, right?

    I actually launched it at LanguageLearning subreddit first, it's fairly good.
    screenshot of reddit

    Later, I put it on InternetIsBeautiful, it soared.
    screenshot of reddit

    But then comes the down turn. People loved it and forget it.

    Anyway, I put the detail story here:
    Captionz: learn on YouTube with fun.

    Since you are here reading this post, you actually like it. I appreciate that.

    Let's continue.

    What's Captionz Trove?

    Well, it's just a category on pnlpal. After published Captionz, I built this to help us share and discover educational videos on YouTube. It's bit of hard to dig resources on YouTube these days. YouTube is more and more entertaining rather than educational I think. So by creating this place, I hope it could help you reduce some noise, and discover educational videos more easily, and learn languages more efficient.

    The core function of this trove is that first, it has a Reddit like ranking algorithm to sort the topics. So it relies on real human upvotes and suggestions. What is the reddit ranking algorithm like? There is a good article writing about this:

    How Reddit ranking algorithms work.
    (Though I have to confess that I am still working on it. It needs a lot of posts to see the real effect. There are not many posts now anyway. But you should see it soon.)

    Second, a Twitter like UI, so it looks clean. I love twitter so much that you can see me there every day. Let's connected there, shall we?

    It's meaningful, isn't it? I watched most of the videos in the trove. Hell, I think I am addicted to YouTube. When I find a video that is interesting and thoughtful, I share it. I have really learned a lot from these videos. For example:

    How to learn any language in six months | Chris Lonsdale | TEDxLingnanUniversity The Myth of Education & Impact: Inner Architecture Mini Lockdown math

    That's why I built this place. I urge you to do the same with me. Share the video that you watched and learned. So you are not just helping me, but also helping every language learners out here, and even the youtubers! You are spreading works and ideas worth spreading.


    Simple, click the New Topic button. Put the title and url of the video in, and write a few words for introduction.


    Don't forget to use or create a few tags. They are meaningful to classify these posts.

    Again, before you post, a few simple rules you should know.

    Rules General rules I mentioned here, you know no bullshit, no propaganda, looking for original etc. New & educational videos only. I don't want this space full of entertainment. Though you might think that entertainment is also educational, you can learn languages from videos like games or sports. But that's just another YouTube.com. But I do think talk shows or something like learning English from Friends are proper here. Debates are welcome. If it's too old, it's old-fashioned. I don't like it. But there are just some things that never grow old and never die. You'll hate that you didn't find them earlier, and they might have changed your life. Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do? How to learn any language in six months | Chris Lonsdale | TEDxLingnanUniversity It's important to have at least one caption. Auto-generated caption is not recommended. You know why. More videos and channels

    Please, help me grow this space, add more videos, discover more channels.
    I bet you love YouTube, and you have subscribed a lot of channels, right? Or better, you have created your own channel? Leave a comment below, tell me your favorite educational channels. I'll consider to put it in the sidebar of this site. Yours is better.

    This is the way.

  • Effective Methods for Language Learning | Tips From a Psychologist

    This video features special guest Chris Lansdale, a psychologist and linguist who shares with us tips that helped him learn Mandarin and Cantonese fluently in only 6 months!
    He talks about language learning from a psycho-physiological perspective so don't miss out on his practical advice that'll have you speaking fluently in record time!

    Everyone, you have to watch it, really thoughtful video.

  • It's snowing! Owl raging over being denied sitting under snow

    So here's a kind and gracious Yoll, all snowed up and enjoying herself, not even stressing Murloc out. And then there's an angry me, barging in and forcing Yoll to get home. Sadly, I had to go, and Yoll can't be left alone outside.
    This video showcases how much the bird is frustrated. Fluffed up feathers on the back of her head mean your legs are screwed. Usually she pumps up like that against dogs, primarily huskies; but she's very patient when it comes to me - she rages, but calms down eventually. Once at home, she cooled off completely and decided that this was fine too, warm and all.
    About her molting: it's a side effect caused by one of the meds Yoll has been taking during her treatment. Mariya warned me about it; it happens, so it's ok.

  • 大秦赋,历史知识点/秦国的爵位制度/费墨说/10分钟了解秦史







    1公士50; 2上造100; 3簪袅150 ; 4不更200; 5大夫250; 6官大夫300; 7公大夫350; 8公乘400; 9五大夫450; 10左庶长500; 11右庶长550; 12左更600; 13中更650; 14右更700; 15少上造750; 16大上造800;
    17驷车850; 18大庶长900; 19关内候950; 20彻候1000




  • 蔡康永:真正的高情商,是放過自己High Emotional Quotient Means Let Yourself Go

    【蔡康永在《說話之道》出版10年後,又寫了一本情商書。他口中的“情商”,是一個更難達到的境界:不用考慮別人的看法、照顧自己的情緒、放下所有的“應該”……在新書《因為這是你的人生》裡,蔡康永列出了26道人生難題,著重講了如何與父母、朋友相處,今天我們就和康永哥一起聊一聊。Ten years after the publication of “Speaking Skills”, Cai Kangyong wrote another book on emotional intelligence. What he call emotional intelligence is a higher level harder to reach — neglect others’ opinions, take care of your own emotions, throw away all “supposed to be”. In his new book “Because This Is Your Life”, Cai brought up 26 life problems, and spared many pages on our relation with parents and friends. Let’s listen to what he thinks about it.】

  • 查水表的歷史:冷知識趣史GO



  • 【蔣勳演講】莊子,你好:給21世紀的備忘錄




  • Sculpting thoughts, writing code, making digital symphonies.

  • Share what you have learned with pals!

  • Find a bug? Have suggestions? Don't hesitate to tell me.


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Let's see 🤖







