蔡康永:真正的高情商,是放過自己High Emotional Quotient Means Let Yourself Go
【蔡康永在《說話之道》出版10年後,又寫了一本情商書。他口中的“情商”,是一個更難達到的境界:不用考慮別人的看法、照顧自己的情緒、放下所有的“應該”……在新書《因為這是你的人生》裡,蔡康永列出了26道人生難題,著重講了如何與父母、朋友相處,今天我們就和康永哥一起聊一聊。Ten years after the publication of “Speaking Skills”, Cai Kangyong wrote another book on emotional intelligence. What he call emotional intelligence is a higher level harder to reach — neglect others’ opinions, take care of your own emotions, throw away all “supposed to be”. In his new book “Because This Is Your Life”, Cai brought up 26 life problems, and spared many pages on our relation with parents and friends. Let’s listen to what he thinks about it.】