• See Kamala Harris introduce her running mate Tim Walz for the first time

    Her speech is so inspiring and fills us with hope. The coconut tree metaphor, combined with her joyful smile, makes it feel refreshing and uplifting.

    Vice President Kamala Harris introduces her pick for running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, to a packed rally of enthusiastic Democrats in Philadelphia.

  • FULL: Gov. Walz speaks at campaign rally after being announced as Harris' VP pick

    Watching Waltz's speech is like reading a fast-paced book where every chapter is satisfying and keeps you hooked till the end.

    Newly minted Democratic vice presidential candidate Gov. Tim Walz makes his first speech at Philadelphia campaign rally.

  • 2023, in 7 minutes - by vox

    2023 was dominated by a few big stories: climate change making everything hotter; the Israel-Hamas war; blockbuster movies and concert tours. And during all the massive global shifts, celebrations, and devastation — life happened. Watch this video to remember the major events from this turbulent year.

    Read more about this year on Vox.com.

    Vox.com is a news website that helps you cut through the noise and understand what's really driving the events in the headlines. Check out http://www.vox.com.

  • Sweden (not Switzerland)

    People all over the world keep mixing up Sweden and Switzerland. To end this confusion, we are now reaching out to Swiss officials.

    Find out more at https://visitsweden.com/sweden-not-sw...

  • Conflict in Israel and Palestine: Crash Course World History

    A crash course about conflict in Israel and Palestine

  • My Best Language Study Tips · Slow Swedish With Subtitles

    [SWE+ENG CC AVAILABLE] I think it's so important to HAVE FUN while studying and learning new things. So my absolute best tip when it comes to learning Swedish is doing things you enjoy. Even if it might not be the "correct" place to start or exactly on "your level." The best studying is the studying that takes place, whether it's ideal or not.

  • Choose Equality | Choose Freedom | Study in Sweden

    Looking for a study destination where you can be yourself, study at an incredible university and create a radically better world – together with other students from all over the world? Look no further.

    We are the home to 40 outstanding universities who can offer you the programme of your dreams. In a country where work-life balance actually means something.

    Sweden is somewhere that you can be as different as you like and not worry about taking any shit for it. Sweden is one of the world’s most progressive countries for LGBTQ+ rights and it’s supported by our society and law. So however you identify, there’s probably no better country in the world to be who you want to be, how you want to be.

    We’re in love with our planet and environment has been our top priority for ages. And when you see what our nature looks like – forests and rivers and lakes and unspoiled wilderness – how could it not be?

  • This topic is deleted!

  • Biden Signs Series Of Executive Orders On Racial Equity | Morning Joe | MSNBC

    A series of executive orders are decreed at the first day of his term, mostly to undo his predecessor's legacy. Well done.

  • Amanda Gorman’s Biden Inauguration Poem | WSJ

    Amanda Gorman recited her poem at President Biden’s inauguration ceremony outside the U.S. Capitol. The 22-year-old is the first National Youth Poet Laureate and the youngest poet to read at a presidential inauguration.

  • My Italian progress after 9 months (subtitles available)

    In this video I want to show my progress in Italian after practicing every day for the last 9 months.

    I still make a lot of mistakes and have a lot to learn, but I am happy to be already able to communicate. I want to motivate you to see that if you consistently do something every day you can improve a lot.

    So brilliant. I am envious.

  • How I Learned Chinese

    As with all the languages I’ve learned, my passion for the language, and all that surrounds it, was key to success in learning Mandarin. But lots of reading and listening helped me achieve my goals.

    Wow, this video is very impressive and informative. I love those flashed pictures of China's historical figures.

  • "It Was Heartbreaking To See" - John Heilemann On His Up Close View Of The Capitol Insurrection

    John Heilemann, Mark McKinnon, and Alex Wagner from Showtime's "The Circus" join Stephen to talk about their experiences in the crowd outside the Capitol during the insurrection and how everyday life in Washington, D.C. has changed dramatically in the aftermath of the attack.

    Don't mind the all upper cases. Listen to the late show that talks about the 911 liked event in the US history.

  • 19 Examples Of Crazy Fast Speech In American English

    "Did you eat yet" sounds like in China! LOL

  • FBI: The MAGA Maniacs Who Tried To Overthrow The Government Are Going To Pay

    While the president tries to shift blame for last week's insurrection, the FBI and Justice Department are making it clear that the terrorists involved will face very serious federal charges. Meanwhile, lawmakers in Washington and around the country are bracing for a second wave of right-wing violence.

    Internal terrorists. What a mad world!

  • Brexit talks: Next days are crucial: BBC News Review

    Negotiators from the UK and EU have begun a new push to reach agreement on post-Brexit trade after both sides agreed "to go the extra mile" Catherine and Neil explain this and other phrases and vocabulary you need to talk about this story.

    Brexit is the biggest political discourse between UK and Europe. So what's going to happen in 2021?

  • What is Tencent?

    It's a formidable surveillance tool and a giant piece of shit. Don't use it.

  • Eight Questions For President Obama | The Daily Social Distancing Show

    How do you define a leader? Does the current political landscape favor Republicans with radical views? What has the transition to civilian life been like? Trevor has eight questions for President Obama.

    The most intelligent US president ever?

  • ENGLISH SPEECH | ANGELINA JOLIE: Equality For Women (English Subtitles)

    Learn English with Angelina Jolie. Delivering a keynote address to the General Assembly ministerial meeting on United Nations peacekeeping, actress, filmmaker, and humanitarian, Angelina Jolie, asked for the perspective of women to be taken into consideration in peace negotiations. Angelina Jolie is an American actress, filmmaker, and humanitarian. The recipient of numerous accolades, including an Academy Award and three Golden Globe Awards, she has been named Hollywood's highest-paid actress multiple times. In this Speech, she also quotes: "Think how much more we could achieve with women’s equal participation in all aspects of society. Not at the expense of men, but alongside men. Because we are all partners in this life." - Watch with big English subtitles.

    Learn English with speeches!

  • Inflation: could covid-19 cause prices to rise? | The Economist

    In the past two decades inflation has puzzled economists by remaining low in good times and bad. Could the pandemic cause it to rise?

    This is thoughtful, I am going to think hard about it.

  • Trump Is "Out of His Mind" After Violent D.C. Insurrection | The Tonight Show

    Jimmy addresses Trump's closest allies calling him "mentally unreachable" and "out of his mind" after the violent insurrection in Washington, D.C.

    A lame duck has no friends 🙂

  • Pro-Trump rioters storm US Capitol steps

    Pro-Trump rioters are storming the US Capitol as Congress is certifying Joe Biden's win.

    Welcome to 2021! What a great start! Could it be worse? Yes. But it also could be good because Trump is ousted. Every time when a dictator is ousted, there is chaos.

  • How new year is celebrated in Japan

    How did you celebrate the first day of the year? Here's how the Japanese usually celebrate their new year. The celebration of a new year is exceptional in Japan. It is one of the most celebrated holidays there since the Japanese first day coincides with the English first day.

    Good job, girls. It's neat and thoughtful.

  • Foraging For Natural Dyes In The Australian Bush! Dyeing My Clothes In Nature

    Today I dyed my clothes from earth pigments foraged in the Australian bush! - I built an outdoor fire and boiled a copper mixture (this can be dangerous so please be safe!)

    Everything is so peaceful and so beautiful!

  • Everything You Need to Know About the Georgia Runoffs | The Daily Show

    Voting, representation, and the Senate runoffs in Georgia. Here’s what you need to know. #DailyShow #TrevorNoah #GeorgiaRunoffs

    It's aways fun with Trevor.

  • How I learn Kanji |Tips and Study Method |Learning kanji for beginner.

    Ohayo my friends! It's been a while.

    This time I am sharing with you on how I study and learn Kanji.

    There will be tips and study methods to help your kanji study.

    Hope this video gives you ideas on how to learn kanji, either those that are studying or learning by self study.

    Keep it up and stay motivated!

    Please subscribe if you like my video.

    Give me "thumb up" as well.

    Thank you for your support!

    And wishing you all a Happy New Year! Hope 2021 will be a great year to everyone!

    Books used in this video:
    -Genki 1 Textbook and Workbook : an integrated course in elementary japanese,
    third edition (2020)

    My review video on Genki 1 books : https://youtu.be/f0uFwiILtbI

  • 🇷🇺 How I WILL improve my Russian in 2021! 😄💡 (in Russian, with English subtitles)

    In this video I tell you about my plan to improve Russian in 2021. What do you think about it? Have you done something similar in other languages?

    She is brilliant, isn't she?

  • Russian speaking – MY HOBBIES (weird)

    Slow Russian is back:) Today we learn how t speak about hobbies in Russian.
    Here's the full text:
    У меня́ есть два хо́бби. Они́ немно́го стра́нные. Пе́рвое – я люблю́ гуля́ть по кла́дбищам. Вот, наприме́р, евре́йское кла́дбище. Я давно́ хоте́ла сюда́ прийти́, но у них о́чень стра́нный режи́м рабо́ты. То́лько по воскресе́ньям до трёх часо́в. Обы́чно я чита́ю на́дписи: кто э́то, когда́ роди́лся, когда́ у́мер. Здесь я не могу́ прочита́ть ничего́. Но ме́сто о́чень интере́сное. Смотри́те.
    Хо́бби но́мер два. Я люблю́ средневеко́вое иску́сство, но не про́сто люблю́, я хожу́ по музе́ям и фотографи́рую стра́нный лица́. Мой люби́мый элеме́нт – э́то деревя́нный алта́рь. Там всегда́ мно́го-мно́го интере́сных фигу́р. В больши́х музе́ях "Сре́дние века́" – э́то всегда́ мой люби́мый разде́л.
    Вот таки́е у меня́ хо́бби. А каки́е стра́нные хо́бби у вас? Напиши́те в коммента́риях.

    This girl rocks!

  • Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do?

    There are just some things that never grow old and never die.

  • Language & History

    History is one of my major motivations for learning languages, and learning languages motivates me to learn history. In this video I discuss my interest in languages, different peoples, and the course of history, with special reference to the languages I am now learning, Persian, Arabic and Turkish.

    First time to know there is a genre of English called "Canada English".

  • Effective Methods for Language Learning | Tips From a Psychologist

    This video features special guest Chris Lansdale, a psychologist and linguist who shares with us tips that helped him learn Mandarin and Cantonese fluently in only 6 months!
    He talks about language learning from a psycho-physiological perspective so don't miss out on his practical advice that'll have you speaking fluently in record time!

    Everyone, you have to watch it, really thoughtful video.

  • The French Revolution (2020) - Documentary

    History Documentary hosted by Geoffrey Bateman, published by Nilaya in 2020 - English narration

    In this Documentary Drama Witness the French Revolution as never before — the fall of the world’s most powerful monarchy and the revolt that tore apart a nation.

    Part 1 - 00:00
    This is the "embedded" French Revolution that we want to share: an exceptional, immersive experience seen through cameras that dive into the heart of history, following its every jolt. It's the story of the fall of the world's most glorious, most powerful ad most ancient monarchy.

    Part 2 - 52:32
    The French Revolution, a historical thriller that explores the fabric of democracy, the drive for equality, and the impossible quest for freedom.

    Learn English from history!

  • How Afghanistan defeated the Soviet Union | DW Documentary

    The Soviet deployment in Afghanistan triggered a 10-year conflict that changed the world. This film unveils the full story of this war, which marked the beginning of the fall of the USSR.

    In April 1978, Afghanistan’s President Mohammed Daoud Khan was overthrown and murdered in a coup d’état led by communist rebels. But not everyone in the conservative country welcomed the communist reforms, and a number of insurgencies arose against the new government. In an attempt to prop up the regime, Leonid Brezhnev sent Soviet troops to Kabul. It was supposed to be a short deployment. But the conflict with the anti-communist Muslim guerrillas, the mujahideen, intensified, and the Red Army ended up remaining in Afghanistan for almost ten years.

    This was a time when America had an interest in weakening the Soviet Union’s economy and military. After Ronald Reagan was elected president in 1981, the United States increased its military aid to the mujahideen, using Pakistan and its intelligence service as a go-between. Thus, Soviet troops were not only fighting the mujahideen. Afghanistan became a proxy battleground for the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.

    By the late 1980s, the Soviet Union was disintegrating. Their army had taken heavy causalities in Afghanistan, and the Soviet population were openly rejecting the war. Mikhail Gorbachev withdrew from the war, but the tide could no longer be turned. A few months after the withdrawal of the last Soviet troops from Afghanistan, the Berlin Wall fell in 1989. Two and a half years later, the Soviet Union ceased to exist.

    Through exclusive archive material, this documentary unveils the full story of the war that spelt the beginning of the end for the USSR.

    Learn English from history!

  • ENGLISH SPEECH | EMMA WATSON & MALALA: Amazing Interview (English Subtitles)

    Learn English with Emma Watson and Malala Yousafzai. Watch Emma Watson’s Emotional, Engaging Interview with Nobel Prize Winner Malala Yousafzai.

    Love this idea, and love both of these two girls.

  • Learn the English Phrases TO PUT SOMETHING BEHIND YOU and TO PUT UP WITH - An English Lesson

    Read along to practice your English and to learn the English phrases TO PUT SOMETHING BEHIND YOU and TO PUT UP WITH

  • DUTCH ABBREVIATIONS // Frequente Nederlandse afkortingen.

    This video teaches you 40 Dutch abbreviations that are very frequently used. These are abbreviations like: z.o.z., ff, sog, nl., ma, EHBO, enz.

    In deze video leer ik jullie 40 veelgebruikte Nederlandse afkortingen, zoals: z.o.z., ff, sog, nl., ma, EHBO, enz.

  • Why Does Britain Own Gibraltar?

    Why is Gibraltar British? For most of history, Gibraltar was ruled by various Iberian powers, but in 1704 England seized it from Spain, and despite several attempts to retake it over the centuries, it's belonged to Britain ever since.

  • Should You READ The Dictionary To Build Your Vocabulary?

    The dictionary contains THOUSANDS of words in English, so reading the dictionary might seem like an excellent way to improve your vocabulary. But, does it work? In this video, we explore this idea and look at why it may or may not be effective.

  • MY LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGY FOR 2021 // New Year Language Goals & Plan!

    What are my language goals for 2021? What is my language learning plan for 2021? Today, I'm sharing with you my language learning strategy to go from intermediate to fluent!

    If you want to improve your French in 2021 (or your English, Spanish & German), don't forget to checkout the Lingoda Sprint here: http://bit.ly/Elsa_Lingoda_Sprint and use my code WIN105 to get a 10€ (11$) discount on your first month.

    The Sprint is a 3-month intensive language course with real native teachers that will help you take your French to the next level! And if you attend all the classes, you can get up to a 100% cashback! The sprint starts on January 15th and you have until January 10th to register 🙂

    If you enjoyed the video, subscribe to the channel so you know when I upload new videos: http://bit.ly/2PqFvh2

    Cool 😍

  • HOW I CHANGED - Living and Working in Singapore for 1 Year! Hong Konger in 🇸🇬

    在新加坡生活了一年後,到底我在心態上有什麼大改變? 說難不難,說易不易,這些也算是用心生活後的一些收穫☺️

    I am going to share on this video how I change my mindset after living Singapore for almost 1 year. It’s never an easy thing to start living in another country... but if you try hard to make the most out of it, you would have learnt a lot of things after this period of time ☺️

  • New Year’s Eve Around the World Will Look Different for 2021 | WSJ

    The New Year’s Eve celebration in Times Square will be missing a key piece this year: the crowd. But for New York and other cities around the world, the show will go on. WSJ’s Jason Bellini explains how cities plan to say goodbye to 2020 amid a pandemic. Photo: Ben Hider/Invision/AP, File

  • ハローキティチャンネル新年のごあいさつ2021

    Hello Kitty Channel: New Year greetings 2021
    Everyone! Happy New Year!
    I'd like to present the first YouTube of 2021 with the sunrise over the ocean.
    FYI this video was taken in December!

  • The Worst New Year's Ever - SOUTH PARK

    Rod Stewart is horrible in concert and the angry crowd turns on Jesus.
    "Are You There God? It's Me, Jesus" S03

  • 2020, in 7 minutes

    Let’s close out 2020 by looking back at the moments that inspired us and changed us in a year unlike any other.

  • Japan Day Hike near Mount Fuji — Lake Yamanakako Mt. Ishiwari Course | Japan Outdoors

    Need a hiking day trip outside of Tokyo? This Solo Winter Day Hike at Lake Yamanakako in Yamanashi Japan took about 3 1/2 hours.

  • Spacex Starlink Internet Beta: Pricing, Equipment and Speed Tests (Really Fast!)

    Starlink Internet is a side project of SpaceX. Through this SpaceX CEO Elon Musk promises high-speed internet all over the world at affordable price. It will float in low Earth orbit that will allow faster internet speeds and much lower latency.

    Can't wait to see it in the market. Have you guys tried it?

  • The Myth of Education & Impact: Inner Architecture Mini

    We have so much information, but how much of it is really working FOR US?

    How many times have you learned something that made SO MUCH SENSE, but you just didn't put it into action? It had virtually no impact even though it was VITAL to you reaching a desired goal...

    That's because education alone is not enough. We humans can hold ideas and concepts in our minds that are incredibly valuable, and without a plan for how to take that idea into action...we don't benefit from it.

    So how can we start to put our education to work for us?

  • Chess Is Having A Boom Due To Pandemic And ‘The Queen’s Gambit’ | TODAY

    Now this is my favorite show, The Queen’s Gambit. Highly recommended, everyone.

  • How Anya Taylor-Joy Told 'Harry Potter' Actor She Was a Huge Fan

    My favorite show now playing, The Queen’s Gambit.

    "The Queen's Gambit" star Anya Taylor-Joy stars in the hit Netflix show alongside Harry Melling, who was famously in the "Harry Potter" franchise. Anya explained to Ellen how she revealed to him that she is a huge fan... at just the right time. Plus, the actress talked about what it's like for her to play chess outside of the show.

  • BLOODY NEW YEAR | Draw My Life

    2021 is right around the corner, tiktakers, and we look forward to the end of this year! Where will you be celebrating New Year's Eve? Oh, and by the way… please be careful tiktakers – you don't want what happened to today's protagonists to happen to you…

  • Renewable Energy Engineering Jobs: My Education and Career Path as a Mechanical Engineer

    Here is the story of Rosie's mechanical engineering education and career path working on renewable energy engineering technologies for fifteen years so far.

  • The Queen's Christmas Broadcast 2020 👑🎄 📺 - BBC

    Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II delivers her annual address in the Christmas Message to the Nation and Commonwealth.

    Presented in HDR UHD.

    The Queen | BBC

  • It's snowing! Owl raging over being denied sitting under snow

    So here's a kind and gracious Yoll, all snowed up and enjoying herself, not even stressing Murloc out. And then there's an angry me, barging in and forcing Yoll to get home. Sadly, I had to go, and Yoll can't be left alone outside.
    This video showcases how much the bird is frustrated. Fluffed up feathers on the back of her head mean your legs are screwed. Usually she pumps up like that against dogs, primarily huskies; but she's very patient when it comes to me - she rages, but calms down eventually. Once at home, she cooled off completely and decided that this was fine too, warm and all.
    About her molting: it's a side effect caused by one of the meds Yoll has been taking during her treatment. Mariya warned me about it; it happens, so it's ok.

  • A Brief History of Great Conjunctions

    In late December 2020, the two largest planets in our Solar System, Jupiter and Saturn, will be so close in the sky that they’ll both be visible through a telescope eyepiece at the same time. Such close passes are known as Great Conjunctions.

    The Great Conjunction of 2020 will be the closest in almost 400 years. This video gives an historical perspective to the 2020 Great Conjunction. I tell you what Great Conjunctions are, and about the what sets the periods between Great Conjunctions and the patterns that occur between successive Great Conjunctions. I discuss the Great Conjunctions of the 21st and 20th centuries, and the Great Conjunctions of 1623, 1563, 1226, and 7 BC. For example, did Galileo observe the Great Conjunction of 1623 using his telescope?

  • The History of the Turkic Languages

    The Turkic languages comprise a major language family spoken widely across Eurasia. Originating from western Mongolia, Turkic migrations have brought these languages further west over the millennia.

    Turkey, located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, is now home to the most Turkic speakers. These languages follow a subject-object verb sentence structure and feature vowel harmony and agglutination.

    This video presents the history and evolution of the Turkic languages from 500 BCE to the present.

  • Coronavirus complications | DW Documentary

    A growing number of people who recover from COVID-19 are experiencing long-term health problems. This includes younger patients without pre-existing conditions who had only mild symptoms with the virus. How are doctors and patients responding?

    The COVID-19 disease is triggered by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and can affect multiple organs. The symptoms of the initial illness are now well known. But what about the long-term effects of coronavirus? Not everyone who gets COVID-19 makes a full recovery afterwards. A growing number of people are experiencing reduced physical and abilities and cognitive symptoms. One such patient is 31-year old junior doctor Maria. Five months after falling sick, she is still unable to work normally.

    In October, Germany’s University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein launched the largest study to date on the long-term effects of coronavirus. Teams of doctors specialized in various fields of medicine are planning to examine several thousand former COVID-19 patients who have officially "recovered" from the virus. They’re looking in particular at the lungs, heart, kidneys and liver, as well as the nervous system and metabolism. Christopher Bley from Berlin would welcome the opportunity to be included in a study like that. The 35-year-old feels he isn’t getting the support he needs from doctors. Ever since the father of two contracted the virus, he has been battling shortness of breath. For a long time, he hoped he would heal naturally, but the problem persists.
    Writer Nina Marewski from Frankfurt feels similarly let down by doctors. She says they either ignore her or don’t take her seriously. She has been writing about her experience with coronavirus online, and is giving a voice to other post-COVID "long haulers". This documentary accompanies three people who are struggling with the aftereffects of the virus. What do the health problems mean for them and how do they deal with the uncertainty about whether they will ever make a full recovery?

  • What Joe Biden won – and what he didn't

    Biden beat Trump. Now what? Ezra Klein explains.

  • Crafting

    Sculpting thoughts, writing code, making digital symphonies.

  • Sharing

    Share what you have learned with pals!

  • Feedback

    Find a bug? Have suggestions? Don't hesitate to tell me.


Dictionariez is an open-source tool that assists you in language learning; it supports multiple languages and offers a diverse collection of dictionaries.

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