"dictName": "Turkish Language Association (Türk Dil Kurumu)",
"windowUrl": "https://sozluk.gov.tr/?kelime=<word>",
"css":"header,.tdk-bnr {display: none !important;} body {margin-top: 70px !important;}"

Best posts made by river
Turkish Language Association (Türk Dil Kurumu)
{ "dictName": "Laban.vn", "windowUrl": "https://dict.laban.vn/find?query=<word>", "css":"#header {display: none !important;} body .laban_tudien {margin-top: 0 !important; padding-top: 60px !important;} body .wrapper { width: auto; padding-left: 10px;} .wrapper .input_area {width: 360px;} .input_area .input_box { width: 150px;}" }
WordReference (English - Portuguese)
{ "dictName": "WordReference (English - Portuguese)", "windowUrl": "https://www.wordreference.com/enpt/<word>", "css": "header, body #ad1 { display: none !important;} body { margin-top: 50px !important;}" }
DeepL (English -> Ukrainian)
{ "dictName": "DeepL (EN -> UK)", "windowUrl": "https://www.deepl.com/en/translator#en/uk/<word>", "inputSelector": "#textareasContainer div[contenteditable]", "translationPrompt": "<word>" }
Welcome to pnlpal!
Welcome to our Programming N' Language community, where programming and languages meet! This platform serves as a hub for people seeking to enhance their language skills (mainly English), regardless of their native language. Here, we engage in interesting discussions, and share knowledge about all things related to programming and languages.
Join us as we explore fascinating topics and learn from one another in a supportive and welcoming environment. Get ready for an enjoyable and enriching experience!
About me
I am River, a programmer, and the creator of Dictionariez and Captionz, and a few other open-source projects. You can find more of my work on GitHub. I take pride in single-handedly developing and promoting my apps in the market.
As the creator of Dictionariez and a fellow language learner, I am excited to share my knowledge and experiences with you. I invite you to join our Discord community where we can have regular English corners, discuss challenges we encounter, share learning techniques.
Together, we'll work towards building a strong community. Most importantly, I will continuously develop my projects to improve them and assist others like yourself.
There are 5 categories in our community:Sharing: We share and discuss various topics here. News, blog articles about programming or languages, and genuine and helpful content from social media platforms like YouTube and Twitter.
Questions: If you have any programming or language-related questions, feel free to ask for help here.
Feedback: Provide feedback or report any issues related to Dictionariez, Captionz, or this forum. Bug reports, feature requests, and critical reviews are all welcome.
Dictionariez Trove: Discover the extensive collection of dictionaries we offer. We are actively seeking more dictionaries, check out the HELP: More Dictionaries Needed!
Captionz Trove: Discover the best YouTube resources in this category.
Before posting or commenting, please adhere to the following simple rules:-
Be respectful to fellow community members.
Provide original sources for the content you share.
Avoid propagandistic content.
Avoid posting duplicate content.
Avoid indirect links.
Avoid sharing very old links, unless there's a valid reason.
Do not share illegal or unethical material.
Now, introduce yourself and comment 'Hello' below to the community! Enjoy your time here, and if you have any questions about this post, feel free to ask.
One last thing, did you know that this entire website, including the source code, is open-source? Follow its active development on GitHub. Don't forget to check it out from time to time!
RE: A Plan for the development of Dictionariez Pro, your input is needed!
@curiosity Thank you for your insight. I can see that the mobile version is highly anticipated. According to my plan, and if all goes well, the mobile version will also be free for basic features, similar to the browser version. Premium features, like PDF support or cloud storage syncing, will be part of the pro version. My goal is to make the app enjoyable and ad-free for casual use, with payment being optional for those who want to access more advanced features and spend more time with it.
I understand the frustration with subscriptions, but I’m concerned about the sustainability of a one-time fee model, especially given the ongoing costs of cloud services. I also plan to regularly update content, build up the community, and share more learning resources. It's all need time, passion and incentives as I talked about.
Thank you for the support. You will get the pro version for free too, plus 3 codes for your dispose
. Hope you will like it
RE: How to add a new dictionary to the trove
It's all done, pal.
You can add to your collection here: https://pnlpal.dev/tags/turkish -
Captionz: learn on YouTube with fun - River的博客 | River's Blog
Not finished yet. Should introduce how to use Captionz with Dictionariez.
SidePal: Your Language and AI Ally in Side Panel
I recently took a detour to develop an intriguing tool for Chrome's side panel, which is an impressive new feature in Chrome that I believe many people will find it quite useful. In some cases, it could even be more straightforward and convenient compared to Dictionariez, which uses a popup window to display results. SidePal is designed to work seamlessly within the side panel, showing dictionaries that integrate perfectly with this feature.
Here is how it looks.
It's works well with Google Translate too.
Isn't it handy to have ChatGPT on the sideline ready to answer any questions from you?
Unfortunately, not all web dictionaries work in the side panel because they need to be embedded in an iframe, and some websites don't allow this. For example, my favorite dictionary, Longman English, doesn’t support iframe embedding.
You can still try adding more dictionaries to your collection from this site, just as you would with Dictionariez. If you receive a warning that the dictionary couldn’t be loaded, it means it’s not supported on SidePal, so I recommend using Dictionariez instead.
In this sense, SidePal is a lighter version of Dictionariez. It has its own advantages and can be used alongside Dictionariez. I hope you find it useful.
Kubbealti Lugati
{ "dictName": "Kubbealti Lugati", "windowUrl": "http://lugatim.com/s/<word>", "css":"header {display: none !important;} body {margin-top: 40px !important;}" }
Emirates News Agency - UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention announces official registration of inactivated COVID-19 vaccine used in #4Humanity Trials
Congratulations to my state company Sinopharm. 100 percent effectiveness in preventing moderate and severe cases of the disease, totally beats the US and UK competitors.
The only question is though: when will the result data be public?
MY LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGY FOR 2021 // New Year Language Goals & Plan!
What are my language goals for 2021? What is my language learning plan for 2021? Today, I'm sharing with you my language learning strategy to go from intermediate to fluent!
If you want to improve your French in 2021 (or your English, Spanish & German), don't forget to checkout the Lingoda Sprint here: http://bit.ly/Elsa_Lingoda_Sprint and use my code WIN105 to get a 10€ (11$) discount on your first month.The Sprint is a 3-month intensive language course with real native teachers that will help you take your French to the next level! And if you attend all the classes, you can get up to a 100% cashback! The sprint starts on January 15th and you have until January 10th to register
If you enjoyed the video, subscribe to the channel so you know when I upload new videos: http://bit.ly/2PqFvh2
Sesli Sözlük
{ "dictName": "Sesli Sözlük", "windowUrl": "https://www.seslisozluk.net/<word>-nedir-ne-demek/", "css": ".navbar,.sesli-ui-seslilogo {display: none !important;} body {margin-top: 20px !important;}" }
China's Alibaba Under Investigation By Market Regulators : NPR
From heaven to hell, Alibaba not just fucked up its biggest IPO ever in history, but also messed up with the world's largest and fiercest government. So pity, Alibaba. Is it still worth working as 996?
1公士50; 2上造100; 3簪袅150 ; 4不更200; 5大夫250; 6官大夫300; 7公大夫350; 8公乘400; 9五大夫450; 10左庶长500; 11右庶长550; 12左更600; 13中更650; 14右更700; 15少上造750; 16大上造800;
17驷车850; 18大庶长900; 19关内候950; 20彻候1000由于商鞅设立秦二十级军功爵位制度,刺激提高了秦军战斗力,因此列国称秦军为虎狼之师。
Tureng Sözlük
{ "dictName": "Tureng Sözlük", "windowUrl": "https://tureng.com/tr/turkce-ingilizce/<word>", "css":".tureng-navbar {display: none !important;} body {margin-top: 50px !important;}" }
Ex-Zoom China Employee Faces U.S. Dissident Censoring Charge - Bloomberg
Zoom is great, revolutionary, the game-changer in the pandemic driven software industry. The only flaw is that it's censored in China. Actually Zoom has even disabled free calls in China. In so many countries Zoom works so perfectly except in China. China has been the Achilles' Heel of Zoom, which is ironic because it's projected to be a Chinese software, at least some are saying that.
Amanda Gorman’s Biden Inauguration Poem | WSJ
Amanda Gorman recited her poem at President Biden’s inauguration ceremony outside the U.S. Capitol. The 22-year-old is the first National Youth Poet Laureate and the youngest poet to read at a presidential inauguration.
RE: Anki integration - specifying fields to use
Great idea, I'll dig into it. And thanks for committing this issue.
Zargan Sözlük
{ "dictName": "Zargan Sözlük", "windowUrl": "https://www.zargan.com/tr/q/<word>-ceviri-nedir", "css":".asdWrapper+.container {margin-top: -100px !important;} body {margin-top: 50px !important;}" }