• SidePal: Your Language and AI Ally in Side Panel

    I recently took a detour to develop an intriguing tool for Chrome's side panel, which is an impressive new feature in Chrome that I believe many people will find it quite useful. In some cases, it could even be more straightforward and convenient compared to Dictionariez, which uses a popup window to display results. SidePal is designed to work seamlessly within the side panel, showing dictionaries that integrate perfectly with this feature.

    Here is how it looks.


    It's works well with Google Translate too.

    Isn't it handy to have ChatGPT on the sideline ready to answer any questions from you?
    image 3

    Unfortunately, not all web dictionaries work in the side panel because they need to be embedded in an iframe, and some websites don't allow this. For example, my favorite dictionary, Longman English, doesn’t support iframe embedding.

    You can still try adding more dictionaries to your collection from this site, just as you would with Dictionariez. If you receive a warning that the dictionary couldn’t be loaded, it means it’s not supported on SidePal, so I recommend using Dictionariez instead.

    In this sense, SidePal is a lighter version of Dictionariez. It has its own advantages and can be used alongside Dictionariez. I hope you find it useful.