• 2021 is right around the corner, tiktakers, and we look forward to the end of this year! Where will you be celebrating New Year's Eve? Oh, and by the way… please be careful tiktakers – you don't want what happened to today's protagonists to happen to you…

  • Here is the story of Rosie's mechanical engineering education and career path working on renewable energy engineering technologies for fifteen years so far.

  • Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II delivers her annual address in the Christmas Message to the Nation and Commonwealth.

    Presented in HDR UHD.

    The Queen | BBC

  • So here's a kind and gracious Yoll, all snowed up and enjoying herself, not even stressing Murloc out. And then there's an angry me, barging in and forcing Yoll to get home. Sadly, I had to go, and Yoll can't be left alone outside.
    This video showcases how much the bird is frustrated. Fluffed up feathers on the back of her head mean your legs are screwed. Usually she pumps up like that against dogs, primarily huskies; but she's very patient when it comes to me - she rages, but calms down eventually. Once at home, she cooled off completely and decided that this was fine too, warm and all.
    About her molting: it's a side effect caused by one of the meds Yoll has been taking during her treatment. Mariya warned me about it; it happens, so it's ok.

  • In late December 2020, the two largest planets in our Solar System, Jupiter and Saturn, will be so close in the sky that they’ll both be visible through a telescope eyepiece at the same time. Such close passes are known as Great Conjunctions.

    The Great Conjunction of 2020 will be the closest in almost 400 years. This video gives an historical perspective to the 2020 Great Conjunction. I tell you what Great Conjunctions are, and about the what sets the periods between Great Conjunctions and the patterns that occur between successive Great Conjunctions. I discuss the Great Conjunctions of the 21st and 20th centuries, and the Great Conjunctions of 1623, 1563, 1226, and 7 BC. For example, did Galileo observe the Great Conjunction of 1623 using his telescope?

  • The Turkic languages comprise a major language family spoken widely across Eurasia. Originating from western Mongolia, Turkic migrations have brought these languages further west over the millennia.

    Turkey, located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, is now home to the most Turkic speakers. These languages follow a subject-object verb sentence structure and feature vowel harmony and agglutination.

    This video presents the history and evolution of the Turkic languages from 500 BCE to the present.

  • 大秦赋观剧--必备历史知识,秦国何人可称君;何人可封侯;秦国历史上何人又封君又封侯。剧中人物君侯之别。






    1公士50; 2上造100; 3簪袅150 ; 4不更200; 5大夫250; 6官大夫300; 7公大夫350; 8公乘400; 9五大夫450; 10左庶长500; 11右庶长550; 12左更600; 13中更650; 14右更700; 15少上造750; 16大上造800;
    17驷车850; 18大庶长900; 19关内候950; 20彻候1000




  • 【蔡康永在《說話之道》出版10年後,又寫了一本情商書。他口中的“情商”,是一個更難達到的境界:不用考慮別人的看法、照顧自己的情緒、放下所有的“應該”……在新書《因為這是你的人生》裡,蔡康永列出了26道人生難題,著重講了如何與父母、朋友相處,今天我們就和康永哥一起聊一聊。Ten years after the publication of “Speaking Skills”, Cai Kangyong wrote another book on emotional intelligence. What he call emotional intelligence is a higher level harder to reach — neglect others’ opinions, take care of your own emotions, throw away all “supposed to be”. In his new book “Because This Is Your Life”, Cai brought up 26 life problems, and spared many pages on our relation with parents and friends. Let’s listen to what he thinks about it.】

  • 你知道查水表這個詞是怎麼來的嗎?


  • 沈靜而災疫蔓延的歲月裡,隔離喧囂的資訊,一個人冥想時,反覆想起莊子說的幾個小故事,故事很短,有時候寥寥數句,說一條魚多麼想變成一隻飛起來的鳥;說他做了一個夢,夢到自己變成了蝴蝶,夢醒了他問自己:是我夢到蝴蝶,還是蝴蝶夢到我?



  • A growing number of people who recover from COVID-19 are experiencing long-term health problems. This includes younger patients without pre-existing conditions who had only mild symptoms with the virus. How are doctors and patients responding?

    The COVID-19 disease is triggered by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and can affect multiple organs. The symptoms of the initial illness are now well known. But what about the long-term effects of coronavirus? Not everyone who gets COVID-19 makes a full recovery afterwards. A growing number of people are experiencing reduced physical and abilities and cognitive symptoms. One such patient is 31-year old junior doctor Maria. Five months after falling sick, she is still unable to work normally.

    In October, Germany’s University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein launched the largest study to date on the long-term effects of coronavirus. Teams of doctors specialized in various fields of medicine are planning to examine several thousand former COVID-19 patients who have officially "recovered" from the virus. They’re looking in particular at the lungs, heart, kidneys and liver, as well as the nervous system and metabolism. Christopher Bley from Berlin would welcome the opportunity to be included in a study like that. The 35-year-old feels he isn’t getting the support he needs from doctors. Ever since the father of two contracted the virus, he has been battling shortness of breath. For a long time, he hoped he would heal naturally, but the problem persists.
    Writer Nina Marewski from Frankfurt feels similarly let down by doctors. She says they either ignore her or don’t take her seriously. She has been writing about her experience with coronavirus online, and is giving a voice to other post-COVID "long haulers". This documentary accompanies three people who are struggling with the aftereffects of the virus. What do the health problems mean for them and how do they deal with the uncertainty about whether they will ever make a full recovery?

  • Biden beat Trump. Now what? Ezra Klein explains.

  • BBC The Story of Maths. The language of the universe from the BBC.
    A documentary with subtitles. Episode 01

    Acquainted with the fundamental mathematics in our lives, Marcus du Sauto explores the mathematics of Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and Greece.

    In Egypt, he discloses the use of a decimal system based on ten fingers, while in the former Mesopotamia, two arms were counted to 60.

    In Greece, he considers the contributions of some of the giants of mathematics, including Plato, Euclid, Archimedes, and Pythagoras, who are credited with starting the transformation of mathematics from a tool for counting into an analytical subject that we know today.

  • 3blue1brown is one of my favorite channel, a channel about animating math, in all senses of the word animate.

    Full playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
    Home page: https://www.3blue1brown.com

  • A brief answer to one of the key questions about climate change: What is net-zero? (Written by Myles Allen, David Biello and George Zaidan)

  • A brief answer to one of the key questions about climate change: Why is the world warming up? (Written by Myles Allen, David Biello and George Zaidan)

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