• Welcome to pnlpal!

    Welcome to our Programming N' Language community, where programming and languages meet! This platform serves as a hub for people seeking to enhance their language skills (mainly English), regardless of their native language. Here, we engage in interesting discussions, and share knowledge about all things related to programming and languages.

    Join us as we explore fascinating topics and learn from one another in a supportive and welcoming environment. Get ready for an enjoyable and enriching experience!

    About me

    I am River, a programmer, and the creator of Dictionariez and Captionz, and a few other open-source projects. You can find more of my work on GitHub. I take pride in single-handedly developing and promoting my apps in the market.

    Dictonariez: not just a dictionary app Captionz: learn on YouTube with fun

    As the creator of Dictionariez and a fellow language learner, I am excited to share my knowledge and experiences with you. I invite you to join our Discord community where we can have regular English corners, discuss challenges we encounter, share learning techniques.

    Together, we'll work towards building a strong community. Most importantly, I will continuously develop my projects to improve them and assist others like yourself.

    There are 5 categories in our community:

    Sharing: We share and discuss various topics here. News, blog articles about programming or languages, and genuine and helpful content from social media platforms like YouTube and Twitter.

    Questions: If you have any programming or language-related questions, feel free to ask for help here.

    Feedback: Provide feedback or report any issues related to Dictionariez, Captionz, or this forum. Bug reports, feature requests, and critical reviews are all welcome.

    Dictionariez Trove: Discover the extensive collection of dictionaries we offer. We are actively seeking more dictionaries, check out the HELP: More Dictionaries Needed!

    Captionz Trove: Discover the best YouTube resources in this category.

    Before posting or commenting, please adhere to the following simple rules:

    Be respectful to fellow community members.

    Provide original sources for the content you share.

    Avoid propagandistic content.

    Avoid posting duplicate content.

    Avoid indirect links.

    Avoid sharing very old links, unless there's a valid reason.

    Do not share illegal or unethical material.

    Now, introduce yourself and comment 'Hello' below to the community! Enjoy your time here, and if you have any questions about this post, feel free to ask.

    One last thing, did you know that this entire website, including the source code, is open-source? Follow its active development on GitHub. Don't forget to check it out from time to time!

  • Aryanpour dictionaries

    دیکشنری آریانپور آنلاین (به فارسی)
    Arianpour online dictionary (to Persian)

  • فرهنگ واژه‌های علوم زمین

    فهرستی جامع از اصطلاحات و لغات تخصصی در حیطهٔ علوم زمین

    انگلیسی به فارسی



    Hello, everyone. I am currently learning English, and I've found this book to be quite useful for building common vocabulary in our daily lives. Feel free to download it here: THE NEW OXFORD PICTURE DICTIONARY

    FYI, this is the forum where Dictionariez users can request new dictionaries for the extension. Feel free to explore!

    Some of the inner pages:

    Screen Shot 2023-10-06 at 16.25.40.png
    Screen Shot 2023-10-06 at 16.30.49.png

  • This topic is deleted!

  • How to quit social media

    A social media addiction is like binge eating

    I came across this article while trying to make a sentence with the word "binge", and it turned out to be a thought-provoking reading.

    In this passage, the author makes an analagy between an eating disorder and social media addiction, whose danger is well-informed by people. However, people struggle to curb their behavior day after day. On the one hand, screens have extremely infused our society. No need to mention that a growing number of occupations today require active presence online, such as marketing and programming jobs.

    Because we need to continue to consume both food and social media, those dependencies cannot be handled by the quick-mix method, cold turkey (quit tobacco, alcohol, or drugs immediately).

    Like patients who need to take control of their eating, we can try to take control of our social life, starting with assessing our relationship to social media and screen use in general. For example: Is my relationship with social media healthy? Does it reflect my values? At the end of each day, how has my time on screens helped me improve myself? What is one modification I can commit to bringing about sustained change with screen time in my life? If I think of every megabyte as a bite of food, what percentage of what I consumed online today were empty calories (they supply food energy but bring no health benefit)?

    Creating more fulfilling patterns(make a phone call to your friends rather than watch their posts) is a way to fill the social media void. Withdrawal symptoms are inevitable and recidivism is very high. But if we tame the beast of social media by moderating our diet of screen time, hopefully, we can realign our priorities and live healthier lives.

  • Crafting

    Sculpting thoughts, writing code, making digital symphonies.

  • Sharing

    Share what you have learned with pals!

  • Feedback

    Find a bug? Have suggestions? Don't hesitate to tell me.


Dictionariez is an open-source tool that assists you in language learning; it supports multiple languages and offers a diverse collection of dictionaries.

Welcome 🎉
K O andrespalaciosA martafernandezM danielruizD John BohnstengelJ S H
Let's see 🤖







