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    Welcome to our Programming N' Language community, where programming and languages meet! This platform serves as a hub for people seeking to enhance their language skills (mainly English), regardless of their native language. Here, we engage in interesting discussions, and share knowledge about all things related to programming and languages.

    Join us as we explore fascinating topics and learn from one another in a supportive and welcoming environment. Get ready for an enjoyable and enriching experience!

    About me

    I am River, a programmer, and the creator of Dictionariez and Captionz, and a few other open-source projects. You can find more of my work on GitHub. I take pride in single-handedly developing and promoting my apps in the market.

    Dictonariez: not just a dictionary app Captionz: learn on YouTube with fun

    As the creator of Dictionariez and a fellow language learner, I am excited to share my knowledge and experiences with you. I invite you to join our Discord community where we can have regular English corners, discuss challenges we encounter, share learning techniques.

    Together, we'll work towards building a strong community. Most importantly, I will continuously develop my projects to improve them and assist others like yourself.

    There are 5 categories in our community:

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    Dictionariez Trove: Discover the extensive collection of dictionaries we offer. We are actively seeking more dictionaries, check out the HELP: More Dictionaries Needed!

    Captionz Trove: Discover the best YouTube resources in this category.

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  • Anatomy of a conspiracy: With COVID, China took leading role

    An interesting investigation report conducted by AP basically told a lot about what happened on the internet in 2020.

    It all started from Wuhan, a bustling but low-profile city where a mysterious novel virus was discovered. Almost at the same time the narrative of the origin of the virus started to emerge and different variants of narrative went viral later and transmitted much faster than the virus itself.

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  • WHO team visits Wuhan hospital that had early COVID patients - Channel3000.com

    Finally, the first day the WHO experts team spent in Wuhan, if not includes the preceding 14 days spent in quarantine.


  • Opinion | Has China Done Too Well Against Covid-19? - The New York Times

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    The headline image reminds me vividly of Wuhan in January. That month when everywhere in China were just preparing the lunar new year, then all of a sudden, a new pheumonia of unknown causes occurred in a big bustling city of Wuhan. The city was almost crashed by the novel coronavirus, and followed by a total lockdown. At first the hospitals were all occupied by urgent patients, people were asking and begging for help online. Then the municipal government set up some kinds of provisional hospitals, some were in the cabins, and some were in the stadiums. Even with all those, hospitals were still not enough. And doctors and nurses, as well as PPEs, were all desperately needed. So voluntary doctors and nurses were heading there from all provinces of China. Finally the number of volunteers were huge, but still people were dying. The fatality rate was high at that time, especially for the elders.

    That was a big tragic moment of a city's history. But the exact number of how many people dead because of the coronavirus is still not clear. I mean the government has of course given the number. But you never know if it's the truth. How many were under-played, how many were buried at home, and how many were caused by the side effect of the lockdown.

    Now the experts of WHO are ongoing their investigation of the origin the virus in Wuhan. I don't think they will care about the mortality number of Wuhan. After all science can never beat politics, right?

  • Mongolian prime minister submits resignation after COVID-19 protests | Reuters

    So Mongolian prime minister resigned, after the protest over a Covid19 infection of a mother and her newborn baby.

  • Covid: WHO team investigating virus origins denied entry to China - BBC News

    Whoa, what's going on here? It's been delayed for more than a year, now it's canceled? Nowadays no country respects WHO any more? I am also very disappointed.

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    Sculpting thoughts, writing code, making digital symphonies.

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Dictionariez is an open-source tool that assists you in language learning; it supports multiple languages and offers a diverse collection of dictionaries.

Translate texts, images, and audio to 100+ languages instantly. Use TextPixie’s AI translator for fast, accurate, and contextually appropriate translations.

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abogatrescantosA MikeM D Francis JacquartF S cloudinC Gulshan KumarG G
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