"dictName": "Eudic 欧路",
"windowUrl": "https://dict.eudic.net/dicts/en/<word>",
"css": ".nabar {display: none !important;} body {overflow-x: hidden !important;}"
Posts made by xiaomren
Eudic 欧路
Baidu Translate (EN-CN)
{ "dictName": "Baidu Translate EN-CN", "windowUrl": "http://fanyi.baidu.com/#auto/zh/<word>", "css": ".nabar {display: none !important;}" }
Google Translate (EN-CN)
{ "dictName": "Google Translate EN-CN", "windowUrl": "https://translate.google.com/?q=pristine&sl=auto&tl=zh-CN&text=<word>&op=translate", "css": ".nabar {display: none !important;}" }
Online OXFORD Collocation Dictionary
{ "dictName": "OXFORD Collocation Dictionary", "windowUrl": "https://www.freecollocation.com/search?word=<word>", "css": ".nabar {display: none !important;}" }
SKELL (Example Sentence Search)
{ "dictName": "SKELL", "windowUrl": "https://skell.sketchengine.eu/#result?lang=en&query=<word>&f=concordance", "css": ".nabar {display: none !important;}" }
RE: Deepl Translator (EN-CN)
@river After you modified the code, it runs perfectly. Thank you!
RE: Deepl Translator (EN-CN)
@river These changes do offer some improvements. However, upon closer inspection, there are still some issues. While the translation is better than running it directly on the official website, there are still some missing sentences.
RE: Deepl Translator (EN-CN)
@river I see. I keep this symbol because I've noticed DeepL translations are sometimes incomplete. For instance, when I feed it two paragraphs, it might only translate the first couple of sentences in the first paragraph, leaving the rest untouched. But after adding this symbol, I get a full translation. The only issue is that a "}" appears at the end of each translated text, which I don't quite understand. It's a temporary workaround, I suppose.
OneLook Aggregate Dictionary
{ "dictName": "OneLook", "windowUrl": "https://www.onelook.com/?w=<word>", "css": ".nabar {display: none !important;}" }
RE: Wordvis, the visual dictionary
@river I wouldn't mind if you added a scrollbar, it might be more convenient to use.
RE: Wordvis, the visual dictionary
@river It worked. Yes, I like it very much.
Wordvis, the visual dictionary
{ "dictName": "Wordvis", "windowUrl": "https://wordvis.com/", "inputSelector": "input#si", "submitButtonSelector": "a#sb", "css": "body { margin-top: 30px; overflow-x: auto; }" }
Langeek English Picture Dictionary
{ "dictName": "Langeek", "windowUrl": "https://dictionary.langeek.co", "inputSelector": "#searchbox input" }