"dictName": "Deepl Translator",
"windowUrl": "https://www.deepl.com/en/translator#en/zh-hans/",
"inputSelector": "#textareasContainer div[contenteditable]",
"translationPrompt": "<word>"
Best posts made by xiaomren
Deepl Translator (EN-CN)
RE: Deepl Translator (EN-CN)
@river Thank you for helping me correct the mistakes. This is my first time trying this kind of work, and I find it both novel and interesting.
Youdao 有道词典 EN-CN
{ "dictName": "有道词典", "windowUrl": "https://dict.youdao.com/m/result?word=<word>&lang=en", "css": ".input_con-fixed {display: none;} @media screen and (max-width: 960px) { #searchLayout {min-width: auto !important;} .search_result {min-width: auto !important; width: 100% !important;} .search_result-dict {width: 98% !important;} }" }
海词词典 EN-CN
{ "dictName": "海词词典", "windowUrl": "https://corp.dict.cn/<word>", "css": ".navbar {display: none !important;} @media screen and (max-width: 960px) { .container {min-width: auto !important; width: 100% !important;} .content {width: 98% !important;} } body { overflow-x: hidden; }" }
Quword 趣词 EN-CN
{ "dictName": "Quword", "windowUrl": "https://www.quword.com/w/<word>", "css": ".nabar {display: none !important;}" }
XXEnglish 学习英语网 (EN-CN)
{ "dictName": "XXEnglish", "windowUrl": "https://www.xxenglish.com/wd/<word>", "css": ".nabar {display: none !important;}" }
Langeek English Picture Dictionary
{ "dictName": "Langeek", "windowUrl": "https://dictionary.langeek.co", "inputSelector": "#searchbox input" }
Wordvis, the visual dictionary
{ "dictName": "Wordvis", "windowUrl": "https://wordvis.com/", "inputSelector": "input#si", "submitButtonSelector": "a#sb", "css": "body { margin-top: 30px; overflow-x: auto; }" }
OneLook Aggregate Dictionary
{ "dictName": "OneLook", "windowUrl": "https://www.onelook.com/?w=<word>", "css": ".nabar {display: none !important;}" }
RE: Deepl Translator (EN-CN)
@river After you modified the code, it runs perfectly. Thank you!
SKELL (Example Sentence Search)
{ "dictName": "SKELL", "windowUrl": "https://skell.sketchengine.eu/#result?lang=en&query=<word>&f=concordance", "css": ".nabar {display: none !important;}" }
Online OXFORD Collocation Dictionary
{ "dictName": "OXFORD Collocation Dictionary", "windowUrl": "https://www.freecollocation.com/search?word=<word>", "css": ".nabar {display: none !important;}" }
Google Translate (EN-CN)
{ "dictName": "Google Translate EN-CN", "windowUrl": "https://translate.google.com/?q=pristine&sl=auto&tl=zh-CN&text=<word>&op=translate", "css": ".nabar {display: none !important;}" }
Baidu Translate (EN-CN)
{ "dictName": "Baidu Translate EN-CN", "windowUrl": "http://fanyi.baidu.com/#auto/zh/<word>", "css": ".nabar {display: none !important;}" }
Eudic 欧路
{ "dictName": "Eudic 欧路", "windowUrl": "https://dict.eudic.net/dicts/en/<word>", "css": ".nabar {display: none !important;} body {overflow-x: hidden !important;}" }