Congratulations to my state company Sinopharm. 100 percent effectiveness in preventing moderate and severe cases of the disease, totally beats the US and UK competitors.
The only question is though: when will the result data be public?
Meanwhile the government has decreed in some places all students get the vaccine "voluntarily". The price of the vaccine is still unclear. But isn't it 200 yuan per dose and two doses per person? At lease that was the price when months ago a city in Zhejiang offered the public the vaccine. Sinovac coronavirus vaccine offered by Chinese city for emergency use costs $60
Delete all posts about infections of vaccinated oversea workers, problem solved.
New document leaked. Some companies (or Govt department?) have sent this kind of "informed consent doc" to "volunteers". It said 236¥ per dose, 472¥ two doses in total.
The price gets higher.
More news these two days.
Brazilian Researchers Say Chinese-Made COVID-19 Vaccine is Effective
But they are withholding the result of efficacy trial, what could possibly go wrong?
Sinovac's COVID-19 vaccine has 91% efficacy, Turkey says
Maybe this is what they are waiting for. Good news first.
Good news:
China approves Sinopharm Covid-19 vaccine, promises free shots for all citizens
So those who got charged for 200¥ and above previously are going to be refunded?
At the end of the year 2020, Sinopharm has said its vaccine was 79.34% effective in preventing people from developing the disease. But again they just didn't release the data publicly.
Then the government has immediately approved this vaccine for general public use.
So poor Sinovac, you are a little bit late. Why the hell you did the efficacy test in Brazil? Why not just in some authoritarian countries like UAE?
China gives its first COVID-19 vaccine approval to Sinopharm
Now bad news for Sinovac Biotech:
Chinese vaccine efficacy lower than originally thought in Brazil trials
Which says the general efficacy rate fell to 50.4 per cent, compared with previously 78 per cent effective at preventing mild infections, and 100 per cent effective for moderate and serious cases that require hospitalisation or intensive care.
That's a huge fall.
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