"dictName": "Bab.la (Fr - En)",
"windowUrl": "https://fr.bab.la/dictionnaire/francais-anglais/<word>",
"css": "body { margin-top: 50px;} #babla-navbar-collapse { display:none !important; }"
Best posts made by kimidisco
Bab.la EN-FR bidirectional dictionary
RE: Bab.la EN-FR bidirectional dictionary
I though the .json was assumed by the extension! In any case ty, in the next ones I'll mark it as such.
Linguee FR-PT dict
{ "dictName": "Linguee FR - PT", "windowUrl": "https://www.linguee.com/french-portuguese/search?source=auto&query=<word>", "css": ".dictLink.featured { font-size: 18px;} #outer_div {min-width: 0 !important;} #mainlayout {padding-left: 0 !important; padding-right: 0 !important;} .lMainNavbar { display:none !important; }" }
Portuguese Synonyms (Sinônimos)
{ "dictName": "Sinonimos", "windowUrl": "https://www.sinonimos.com.br/<word>", "css": "" }
Glosbe Portuguese-French
{ "dictName": "Glosbe pt-fr", "windowUrl": "https://glosbe.com/pt/fr/<word>", "css": ".font-medium.cursor-pointer{ font-size:19px; } #nav__top { display:none; } #search-container { display:none; } " }
dict.cc FR-EN
{ "dictName": "dict.cc FR-EN", "windowUrl": "https://enfr.dict.cc/?s=<word>", "css": "td.td7nl { font-family:'Tw Cen MT Regular'; font-size:17px; } form { display:none; }" }
Reverso Context EN-PT dict
{ "dictName": "Reverso Context EN-PT", "windowUrl": "https://context.reverso.net/translation/english-portuguese/<word>", "css": ".navbar {display: none !important;}" }
The Free Dictionary (French)
{ "dictName": "The Free Dictionary (French)", "windowUrl": "https://fr.thefreedictionary.com/<word>", "css": ".trans { font-size:16px; } form.search-form, header#header { display: none !important; }" }
Reverso Context FR-PT
{ "dictName": "Reverso Context FR-PT", "windowUrl": "https://context.reverso.net/translation/french-portuguese/<word>", "css": ".navbar {display: none !important;}" }
Glosbe FR-PT
{ "dictName": "Glosbe FR-PT", "windowUrl": "https://glosbe.com/fr/pt/<word>", "css": ".font-medium.cursor-pointer{ font-size:19px; } #search-container { display:none; } " }
WordReference FR-EN
{ "dictName": "WordReference (FR-EN)", "windowUrl": "https://www.wordreference.com/fren/<word>", "css": "body#ad1, div#google_uploaded_a4a, div.creative-container, header.full-header { display:none !important; } td.ToWrd {font-size:15px; }" }