"dictName": "Glosbe FR-EN",
"windowUrl": "https://glosbe.com/fr/en/<word>",
"css": ".font-medium.cursor-pointer{ font-size:19px; } #search-container { display:none; } "
Posts made by Eduardo
Glosbe FR-EN
Pons DE-GR
{ "dictName": "PONS DE-GR", "windowUrl": "https://de.pons.com/übersetzung/deutsch-griechisch/<word>", "css": "#mobile-header, #search_form {margin-top: 30px !important;}" }
RE: Pons DE-GR
Hello, I'm not able to access also. Sometimes it can be some silly error that does not make it work.
Reverso Context EN-PT
{ "dictName": "Reverso Context EN-PT", "windowUrl": "https://context.reverso.net/translation/english-portuguese/<word>", "css": ".navbar {display: none !important;}" }
Google Translate
{ "dictName": "GoogleTranslate(English-> portuguese)", "windowUrl": "https://translate.google.com/?sl=en&tl=pt&text=<word>&op=translate", "css":".navbar {display: none !important;}" }
Linguee EN-PT dict
{ "dictName": "Linguee EN - PT", "windowUrl": "https://www.linguee.com/ingles-portugues/search?source=auto&query=<word>", "css": ".dictLink.featured { font-size: 18px;} #outer_div {min-width: 0 !important;} #mainlayout {padding-left: 0 !important; padding-right: 0 !important;} .lMainNavbar { display:none !important; }" }
RE: How to add a new dictionary to the trove
Hello I'd like you to add this dictionary as well, as it is quite useful, i
f it is possible and you still update the extension. I searched a bit more and learned how to add a dictionary by myself, but still i would like to leave my thanks and
I was immensely happy to discover this extension yesterday, please keep it up.