"dictName": "GoogleTranslate(Swedish-> English)",
"windowUrl": "https://translate.google.com/?sl=sv&tl=en&text=<word>&op=translate",
"css":".navbar {display: none !important;}"
Posts made by arya hu
google translate for swedish to english
Dict for researchers
Hi, I noticed a dict which offers an unsurpassed guide for researchers in any discipline to the meaning, history, and usage of over 500,000 words and phrases across the English-speaking world. Would be nice to have.
Swedish pronounciation doesnt work
I click on swedish words when reviewing swedish words on Anki, and it doesnt work, shows javascript:void(0)
RE: Cambridge Dictionary
Updated the css to make it cleaner. This dict is awesome!
Conflict in Israel and Palestine: Crash Course World History
A crash course about conflict in Israel and Palestine
Hello, everyone. I am currently learning English, and I've found this book to be quite useful for building common vocabulary in our daily lives. Feel free to download it here: THE NEW OXFORD PICTURE DICTIONARY
FYI, this is the forum where Dictionariez users can request new dictionaries for the extension. Feel free to explore!
Some of the inner pages:
Synonym is needed!
Hi, it would be great if I can add https://www.synonymer.se/ in my Dictionariez!
vocabulary.se provides quite latest exemple sentences from news and fiction.
DeepL Translate
Hi River,
Just found out this translating website, which is more accurate than Google Translation. It would be nice if you can help to add it as well!
English-persian dictionaries
I would like to add this dictionary to my collections, can you help on it?Thanks a lot! -
Incomplete translation
Hi River,
It seems that sometimes the english translation of certain swedish words are not shown. Instead only forms of words are available. Could you please fix it, thank you!
Wiktionary in swedish
Hi River,
It turns out that some swedish word's explaination are missed because the lack of wiktionary in swedish. Could you please add this dict as well?Thanks a lot.
https://sv.wiktionary.org/wiki/simultanförmåga -
Cannot drag dict at will
Hi River,
I think there is a bug with dragging dicts. Could you please check and fix that?Thanks
Find a new dict
Hi River,
Can you help to add this dictionary into your extension as well? Much appreciated.
Kan du hjälp mig om det?
Hi River, I am learning swedish now, and this sv-en dictionary is dope! Can you add it too?
https://context.reverso.net/translation/ -
Can you add this dictionary too?
Hi River, you have crafted a great work and I'd like to ask if you can add this dictionary to your extension.
https://ne.ord.se/ordbok/svenska/engelska/sök/nå -
Can you add a Swedish dictionary?
Hi, I'm learning both Swedish and English, can you help to add some Swedish dictionaries so I can look up words on the computer as well.
Here are some dictionaries I use on my iphone, hope it helps: