Hi, I noticed a dict which offers an unsurpassed guide for researchers in any discipline to the meaning, history, and usage of over 500,000 words and phrases across the English-speaking world. Would be nice to have.
vocabulary.se provides quite latest exemple sentences from news and fiction.
DeepL Translate
Hi River,
Just found out this translating website, which is more accurate than Google Translation. It would be nice if you can help to add it as well!
Find a new dict
• arya hu -
Wiktionary in swedish
Hi River,
It turns out that some swedish word's explaination are missed because the lack of wiktionary in swedish. Could you please add this dict as well?Thanks a lot.
https://sv.wiktionary.org/wiki/simultanförmåga -
Can you add this dictionary too?
Hi River, you have crafted a great work and I'd like to ask if you can add this dictionary to your extension.
https://ne.ord.se/ordbok/svenska/engelska/sök/nå -
How anyone make this site for me?
I want this site into the extension but I'm not good at about creating code please help me.😧
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A place to enhance your Dictionariez.
A place dedicated to new & educational videos.
Dictionariez is an open-source tool that assists you in language learning; it supports multiple languages and offers a diverse collection of dictionaries.
Translate texts, images, and audio to 100+ languages instantly. Use TextPixie’s AI translator for fast, accurate, and contextually appropriate translations.